Countries that Offer Fastest Citizenship and a Better Future

There has been an increasing demand for citizenship by investment programs from investors all around the world. CBI programs allow investors and their family members to gain access to numerous benefits in exchange for a monetary contribution to the country. 

While there are various citizenship by investment programs in the world, the most popular ones happen to be the Caribbean and Europe.

Most of the CBI programs provide benefits, which include:

  • Global travel freedom; visa-free and visa-on-arrival
  • Access to global trade and investment prospects
  • Better healthcare and education
  • A stable and secure life
  • Tax advantages and better management of assets 

Other than these vital benefits, investors even focus on the time taken for citizenship process when choosing a CBI program.

In this blog, we will take you through a meticulously crafted list of countries that offer the fastest citizenship programs. This will make it easier for you to pursue the program and get the desired results.

Antigua and Barbuda

The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is considered among the fastest citizenship programs because of its quick and straightforward application process. To qualify for the citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda, the minimum investment amount starts at $100,000. After the successful completion of application process including the due diligence, you will be able to get the Antigua and Barbuda passport within 6 months. With this passport, you get global travel freedom wherein you are eligible to travel visa-free and visa-on-arrival to 150 countries.

The monetary contribution can be made either to the National development Fund, government-approved real estate or University of the West Indies Fund.

To qualify for the citizenship, you must fulfill the below criteria:

  • Minimum age should be 18 years
  • You should have an outstanding character
  • There shouldn’t be any criminal record
  • Your health should be in excellent state
  • You should have the required fund for investment
  • Fulfill the minimal residency requirement



Popular as the ‘Island of Spice’, Grenada happens to be a peaceful and serene island nation that is known for providing the fastest citizenship by investment program. Fulfilling the required criteria and making the needed investment, you can acquire the Grenada passport in 3 months.

The investment amount starts from US$200,000 and you can make the contribution either to the Government National Transformation Fund of Grenada or pre-approved real estate.

Some of the imperative qualifying criteria for Grenada citizenship by investment include:

  • Age should be at least 18 years
  • Character should be outstanding
  • There shouldn’t be any criminal record
  • You must be in great health
  • Clearing due diligence is vital
  • Submit proof of the funds

St Lucia

Next up is the St Lucia citizenship by investment program which is also among the fastest citizenship programs. Along with being a quicker pathway to citizenship, St Lucia CBI program is even considered as the cheapest second passport program. The minimum investment amount required for St Lucia citizenship is US $100,000. Once all prerequisites are fulfilled, you can get the St Lucia passport in four months.

The citizenship program brings a lot of benefits for you including travel freedom to 140 plus countries, inclusive of the Schengen countries.

The citizenship program brings a lot of benefits for you including travel freedom to 140 plus countries, inclusive of the Schengen countries.

You can invest in St Lucia citizenship by investment either by making contribution to National Economic Fund, investing in government bonds, or pre-approved real estate. Investing in COVID-19 relief bond is also an option but it’s available on till December 31, 2022.

The qualifying criteria include:

  • Age should be minimum 18
  • Provide proof of the funds
  • Character must be outstanding
  • No criminal record
  • Health should be excellent
  • Clear the due diligence

St Kitts and Nevis

St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment program is among the oldest running CBI programs, introduced in the year 1984. The minimum investment amount starts from US $150,000. There are no stay requirements for St Kitts and Nevis CBI program. It is a fast-track process and you will be able to get your second passport in three months.

St Kitts and Nevis is also among the easiest countries to get the citizenship. With a St Kitts and Nevis passport, you can travel visa-free and visa-on-arrival to 157 countries.

To invest, you can make a contribution to the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF), invest in approved real estate, or invest in Public Good Project Developer (PGPD).

The qualifying criteria include:

  • Age should be at least 18
  • Have no criminal record
  • Have an outstanding character
  • Show legitimate proof of funds
  • Health should also be great


With Dominica, you can get your second passport within four months by making a minimum investment of US $100,000 in any of the authorized options. It is also among the easiest countries to get a second passport. This is the reason Dominica is highly popular among investors and high-net-worth individuals. 

You can make the investment in approved real estate, or make a donation to Government Economic Diversification Fund.

With a Dominica passport, you get numerous benefits including visa-free and visa-on-arrival to 143 countries.

The qualifying criteria include:

  • Minimum age should be 18
  • Be of outstanding character
  • You should be in great health
  • No criminal record
  • Clear the due diligence

To know more about the CBI programs and figure out which one meets your requirements the most, reach out to one of our experts at  +971 4 512 4444


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