Your Guide to Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment

Vanuatu flag and Vanuatu passport

If private and out-of-the-way areas catch your interest, Vanuatu might be the right place. Located in the South Pacific, Vanuatu is a tropical archipelago, often deemed a paradise by lovers of solitude.

The country is the ideal match for those looking for privacy in a place that is located far away from the rest of the world.

It’s not just the remoteness that makes Vanuatu so desirable and exquisite, even its citizenship by investment program is unique as it’s the only one currently existing in the Pacific region.

Over the past couple of years, the demand for Vanuatu citizenship by investment has seen a huge surge.

What makes the Vanuatu passport so special?

As stated at the beginning of the article, it is the only citizenship by investment program in the Pacific region. The remoteness of the country is the biggest factor contributing to the popularity of its passport. Vanuatu’s location has proved to be its greatest endowment. It is even tagged as the ‘Happiest Country on the Planet’.

Its pristine nature is another factor behind its growing popularity. While living in Vanuatu, you can experience nature to the fullest – enjoy clean air, water, and food.

Apart from nature and solitude, the country is even ideal for setting up your business. You can get access to a lot of advantages for business as Vanuatu is known to have a very young workforce. It is even a part of the Commonwealth that makes citizens of the country get added rights in the UK owing to the historical connection. The country has the highest degree of languages per capita in the world with nearly 100 native languages and dialects. The official languages of Vanuatu include English, Bislam

Pros of Vanuatu Second Passport 

  • Vanuatu citizenship by investment offers you the fastest citizenship timeline
  • It requires the lowest investment for citizenship
  • Vanuatu second citizenship offers great tax advantages
  • With a Vanuatu passport, you can travel visa-free and visa on arrival to 135 countries
  • Citizenship is granted for a lifetime
  • You can pass on the Vanuatu citizenship to future generations

How to Get Citizenship in Vanuatu?

Of all the citizenship by investment programs, acquiring Vanuatu citizenship by investment is quite easy and seamless. To be eligible for the citizenship by investment program, you need to fulfill the below criteria:

  • Be 18 years plus
  • Clear the due diligence
  • Be in good health
  • No criminal record
  • Make the needed monetary contribution

To get Vanuatu citizenship, a donation to a government-approved fund is the only investment option wherein a single applicant has to pay $130,000.

Once you’ve made the required contribution, and have cleared the due diligence, getting the Vanuatu passport doesn’t take much of your time. As we mentioned earlier too, it is one of the most fast-tracked citizenships by investment programs.

You will get your Vanuatu passport in just eight weeks time, provided everything goes by smoothly,

If you are ready to acquire Vanuatu citizenship by investment right now, it’s time to get in touch with one of our expert advisors. The team at AAA Associates is here to help & guide you at every step. For more details, reach out to us at +971 4 563 9500


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