Everything You Need to Know About Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment


Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment

An independent Commonwealth state located in the Eastern Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda happens to be a two-island country.

Geographically, the island nations are low-lying with a terrain influenced more by formations of limestone than volcanic activity. Boggy Peak is the highest point in Antigua and Barbuda and was also referred to as Mt Obama. Coming to the shorelines of the two islands, both are aligned with natural harbors, beaches, and lagoons. The island nation is even called the ‘land of 365 beaches’ as it is believed that Antigua and Barbuda have a range of beaches, you can visit a new beach every day for an entire year. All the beaches are pristine with clear waters and beautiful surroundings.

The topography of Antigua and Barbuda is best suited for agriculture. The country produced crops like ginger, cotton, and tobacco.  For nearly 200 years, Antigua and Barbuda flourished on sugar cane farming.

However, in the present time, tourism happens to be the primary industry of Antigua and Barbuda. Apart from tourism, the country is even doing great in the finance and government sectors.

The economy of Antigua and Barbuda has been quite stable and to help boost it further, the government had come up with the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program in the year 2013. The CBI program allows high-net-worth individuals to get second citizenship in the country while reaping several benefits that come along.

Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Today, Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment stand to be among the highly popular Caribbean citizenship programs. The Antigua and Barbuda passport not only is a commonwealth passport but it is even ranked among the strongest passports in the world.

With an Antigua and Barbuda passport, you get the travel freedom of traveling visa-free and visa-on-arrival to 150 countries.

The Antigua and Barbuda passport brings along great mobility helping you travel without any visa hassles. For businessmen and investors, global mobility serves as a great tool to conduct global business effectively.

Other than travel freedom, Antigua and Barbuda passport offers many other benefits which include:

  • No tax on income, inheritance, and wealth
  • Minimal requirement for residency
  • Allows dual citizenship   
  • Quick & straightforward process for citizenship
  • Inclusion of family in the application process
  • Great lifestyle

Investment Requirements for Antigua & Barbuda Passport

To acquire Antigua and Barbuda second passport, you need to fulfill certain monetary requirements. The contribution includes:

National Development Fund

You can get Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by contributing to the National Development Fund (NDF). It is a non-profit fund subject to parliamentary administration. As a single applicant, you need to contribute US$100,000.

University of the West Indies (UWI) Fund

The University of the West Indies Fund (UWI) option is a system for financing the fourth landed campus of UWI. For a family of six, the required contribution amount is US$ 150,000.

Other Major Requirements

Apart from making the required contribution, to get Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, there are certain other requirements that you’ll have to fulfill. These include:

  • You must be 18 years above
  • You must have an outstanding character
  • No criminal record
  • Possess good health
  • You should have a high net worth

If you meet all the requirements for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, you can get the passport in as less than as 3 months and enjoy a lifetime of benefits.

To get more information about Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, speak to one of our citizenship by investment program experts at +971 4 563 9500


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