Everything You Need to Know About Dominica Citizenship by Investment

Dominica Citizenship by Investment

Dominica – a magnificent Caribbean Island country, happens to be among the five sovereign countries offering citizenship by investment program. It is one of the most popular CBI programs in the Caribbean.

You can get Dominica citizenship by making a donation or investing in the real estate market.

Also, the citizenship by investment program in Dominica is pretty quick and hassle-free. You can get the passport in just 3 months.

Quick processing time and affordable investment options are some reasons high-net-worth individuals around the globe are more interested in getting Dominica Citizenship by Investment.

In this blog, we’ll find out why Dominica makes for the most in-demand CBI programs in 2022.

What Makes Dominica a Popular Choice?

Dominica has an unspoiled natural beauty. It is economically secure and has a parliamentary democracy. Moreover, Dominica also has one of the highest living standards in the Caribbean. It is even stated to have the lowest crime rate. With lush green mountains, majestic waterfalls, countless pristine rivers, and beautiful white and black sandy beaches, Dominica’s natural beauty give it the edge over other Caribbean nations.

The Citizenship by Investment program was launched by the Dominican government in the year 1991. And ever since its launch, Dominica Citizenship by Investment has become one of the most high-demand citizenships as Dominica is regarded among the safest countries in the world.  

In a recent report comparing the countries offering second citizenship, Dominica topped the CBI Index scoring 63 out of 70. The report measured the countries in four categories, namely: due diligence, minimum investment scheme, no residency/travel requirement, and hassle-free processing.

Benefits of Dominica Citizenship

As one of the strong passports in the world, Dominica nationality brings to you a host of benefits. Some of the prominent ones include:

Ø  Get global mobility, avail visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 140+ countries

Ø  You get to include your spouse, and children under 31, along with unmarried siblings under the age of 26. The program even allows the inclusion of parents and grandparents of any age

Ø  Citizenship can be inherited by the future generations

Ø  You get to live, work, and study in Dominica

Ø  Dual citizenship is permissible in Dominica

Ø  No requirement for a minimum stay

How Can You Invest & Get Dominica Citizenship?

To invest in the Dominican Citizenship program, you have to fulfill certain prerequisites. Firstly, to be eligible for the program, you need to be at least 18 years old. Apart from the age criteria, you must qualify the following:

Ø  You should have no criminal record

Ø  Your physical and mental health should be good

Ø  You should clear all due diligence

Ø  You should make the desired investment

Investment Choices: 

You can either make a substantial economic contribution to a government fund or purchase permitted real estate in the country.

You have to invest in the Dominica Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) wherein as a single applicant, you have to make a contribution of USD $100,000.

The contribution amount will vary depending on the number of dependents in your application.

If you choose real estate investment, then your investment should be worth US$220,000. You’ll have to invest in an approved property and maintain your ownership for at least 3 years.

Once you fulfill all the requirements, you will be eligible to gain full and legal citizenship in Dominica for you and your family. You can even pass the citizenship to your future generations. 

If you are interested in getting Dominica Citizenship while securing the future for your family, we at AAA Associates can provide the assistance and support.

With our years of proficiency in citizenship by investment programs, our experts can assist you in getting your Dominica passport in just 3 months. For more details, or to speak to one of our experts, visit: aaa-international.com


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